Words I didn't know from Act Two...

"Proctor: If the crop is good I'll buy George Jacob's heifer. How would that please you"? pg.50
Heifer: A young cow over one year old that has not yet produced a calf

"Mary Warren: He sentenced her. He must. To ameliorate it: But not Sarah Good. For Sarah Good confessed, y'see". pg. 56
Ameliorate: To make or become better; improve

"Cheever: You know yourself I must do as I'm told. You surely know that, Giles. And I'd as lief you'd not be sending me to Hell. I like not the sound of it, I tell you; I like not the sound of it. He fears Proctor, but starts to reach inside his coat. Now believe me, Proctor, how heavy be the law, all its tonnage I do carry on my back tonight. He takes out a warrant. I have a warrant for your wife". pg. 72
Lief: gladly; willingly
Tonnage: much weight